Everything is Important | Singer Reimagined Takes On High-End Watchmaking


Singer Reimagined was born from an encounter between Rob Dickinson, the founder of Singer Vehicle Design, and Marco Borraccino, a well-known watch designer.

The connection over design and engineering was instant. During almost a year, Rob in California and Marco in Geneva riffed on cars, music, watches and a shared fascination with mechanical icons, particularly the iconic sport-classic chronographs of the late 1960s and ‘70s.

From this discussion an idea was born; to create mighty timepieces that would reimagine high-watchmaking.

It was at this point that a decisive encounter with a third pillar of the collaboration took place. Marco shared his idea for a unique chronograph with famed Master watchmaker Jean-Marc Wiederrecht, who was prepared for skepticism. This quickly turned to enthusiasm as Marco unveiled his drawings ...Read more


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